The total costs for hair removal with electrolysis depend on size and hair growth density of the treated area. To give you an estimate for the total treatment time I need to see the area with untampered hair growth in person first (no waxing/plucking for 3+ months, no laser for 12+ months, no shaving for 7+ days (face) and 3+ months (body)).- Consultation including a 15 min test treatment: 50,00 €
- Cost estimate for health insurance as pdf-file via e-mail: 50,00 €*
- 30 min treatment: 80,00 €
- 1 h treatment: 130,00 €
- 2 h treatment: 230,00 €
Price per treatment session
(= 30€ base price + 25€ per 15min treatment time), e.g.:
*Please consider that as an aesthetician I can't settle costs directly with your health insurance and the chance of getting the costs covered by insurance is extremely slim due to the current legal situation of the so called "Arztvorbehalt". If against the odds your application for cost coverage is successful then treatment costs have to be paid by you personally first and bills be sent to your insurance for reimbursement afterwards.
Treatment times
I work according to the "Standards für Behandlungszeiten mit der Elektroepilation" ("standards for treatment times with electrolysis").
- For completely hair free underarms or bikini area 6-12 hours in total are necessary.
- Treatment time for the whole intimate area will be between 10 and 35 hours on average (slightly more for extreme dense growth).
- Treatment of a full beard will take between 30 and 90 hours, depending on growth density.
- For larger areas (e.g. back, chest, stomach, legs) total treatment time depends on your desired result (e.g. where to draw the line to other areas).
- In one hour up to 1000 hairs can be removed.
I can give you a more detailled cost estimate after a first consultation in person.